Thursday, April 16, 2009

This blog is about either Christians or hyphens. YOU decide.

I feel like blogging will get me nowhere, but there is NOTHING like being mainstream. And I'm not sure where else I can post my brilliant findings, even if no one but stoned hippies will read it. Butt thatz muh mane oddience. GO DEM O'GRAFYX!!

This past school stretch (aka butt-end of August 08 - sparsely-fondled May 09) I have sojourned at the hotspot-all-stops-put-out Indiana University, in Bloomington, IN. This may suggest to you that I have the classic, sculpted Midwestern girl look. No, dear reader(s) <---(hahahaha ohhh how I love joking parentheses), I hail from Denver, CO.

That last fact was true. My parents are paying for me to live in a place that has gained a reputation for having people pay to leave. Not to worry, dear reader, I am in fact transferring (presumably, I have been neither accepted or denied from my two schools) for Fall '09.

I am starting a blog not only because I have wisdom to impart - implant in your heart - but because I did something that not many have the stomach to do. This includes cows, so you can imagine just how much of a stomach this entails. Entrails. But dear one, I will have to tell you next time, because right now I'm just trying to push a little blog out, just a little fart in the cosmic wind of blogspot.