Friday, June 12, 2009


I called this update-a-saurus not because it's like an old dinosaur with a hat, but because it reminded me of my roommate this past year who did not know what a thesaurus was. But you and I should bear in mind that this was also the girl who was studying for her psychology final and looked up the definition of Freud's "I.D."

This blog was supposed to be about my adventure into the heart of a Reformed Presbyterian-Baptist church that I decided to attend on a whim. To provide some background, I do not go to church. I am not even remotely curious about the possibility of an all-knowing God, but I was curious about what being entrenched in a fundamentalist culture was really like. I felt like I was a martyr, going deep inside enemy lines, reporting the news as it came out. And I went deep. Balls-deep. And for the anatomy-concerned readers, if I had balls, believe me, that would be quite deep.

Things did not go the way I expected. I was not found out; neither was I converted. However, where I used to have sympathy for the Christian-lite crowd, I now figuratively (and by that I mean quickly) back away from them in the same manner as the more distant end of the spectrum.

Yeah, I know there are many atheist blogs. I enjoy them, but I also haven't found many that have really done any true investigative reporting. I learned more about the Bible and Reformed doctrine than most people know about ... the Bible and Reformed doctrine. Let me tell you, dear reader, that is not a pretty book. Unfortunately, many pseudo-believers try to put down "hard-core" Christians and say that they "deliberately misinterpret" Jesus and that the Bible is a beautifully written masterpiece and humans have merely fucked it up.

No no no no no NOT EVEN CLOSE. If you are guilty of saying anything along those lines, I politely beg you to please
shut your gaping pie hole. When one explores the Bible in depth, one notes with some horror that this book is eerily similar to the morals in fairy tales, the ones that usually ended with naughty children drowning in each other's tears or choking on their own stool. The obvious thrill these authors have with death and mutilation combined with horrific superstition dates this book irrevocably. How relevant is this book when the characters could not even explain rainfall? If a man and woman divorce, the woman cannot marry again, because that is defined as adultery. But the way they put that: poetry.

I am tired so I must leave with vague generalities about my feelings, but next time I promise there will be some fun in the sun with our pastor: Tim Bayly.

This will be a nice preview for you.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This blog is about either Christians or hyphens. YOU decide.

I feel like blogging will get me nowhere, but there is NOTHING like being mainstream. And I'm not sure where else I can post my brilliant findings, even if no one but stoned hippies will read it. Butt thatz muh mane oddience. GO DEM O'GRAFYX!!

This past school stretch (aka butt-end of August 08 - sparsely-fondled May 09) I have sojourned at the hotspot-all-stops-put-out Indiana University, in Bloomington, IN. This may suggest to you that I have the classic, sculpted Midwestern girl look. No, dear reader(s) <---(hahahaha ohhh how I love joking parentheses), I hail from Denver, CO.

That last fact was true. My parents are paying for me to live in a place that has gained a reputation for having people pay to leave. Not to worry, dear reader, I am in fact transferring (presumably, I have been neither accepted or denied from my two schools) for Fall '09.

I am starting a blog not only because I have wisdom to impart - implant in your heart - but because I did something that not many have the stomach to do. This includes cows, so you can imagine just how much of a stomach this entails. Entrails. But dear one, I will have to tell you next time, because right now I'm just trying to push a little blog out, just a little fart in the cosmic wind of blogspot.